axisofevil Spinning kid at Zurkhaneh in Yazd, Iran - Axis of Evil World Tour
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Spinning kid at Zurkhaneh

Spinning kid at Zurkhaneh

Book Excerpt

... you could tell the crowd favorite by the calls and chants of the people in the room. Spinning so fast you could barely see his arms and legs, plus lasting long enough to make you wonder if the guy was made of swivels, he got a well-deserved ovation when he finally trundled to a stop, looking little the worse for wear. Next came an even more popular performer who must have been the son of one of the others. Looking no more than five or six, the little guy took the center of the ring, caught the flow of the music and clapping, and suddenly started spinning just like the last guy. He got dizzy quickly and stumbled to the side but he was so small no one really minded. Instead they would just grab him by the shoulders and ask him something; to which early on he responded with a disdainful look that seemed to say, “I have only just begun to spin.” Whereupon the adult would chuck him back into the center and he’d start fresh. The little dude could really go, and definitely earned his applause. ...

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