axisofevil Tomb of Hafez in Shiraz, Iran - Axis of Evil World Tour
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Tomb of Hafez in Shiraz

Tomb of Hafez in Shiraz

Book Excerpt

... it’s said that every Iranian home has at least two books; one is the Koran, the other a book of poems written in the 14th century by Hafez. The first represents the modern, Arabic-import, religious part of the Iranian soul. The other the traditional, friendly, laidback spirit of the Persians.

Hafez is so popular and respected that a popular form of Iranian fortunetelling is to open one of his books to a random page and use the words written there as advice on how to lead life, make a difficult decision, or understand something perplexing. With this in mind, outside his Shiraz tomb stand several old men holding small birds. For a few cents the men will have their bird randomly select a small piece of paper inscribed with one of Hafez’s poems. Like a tarot reading the lines are meant to an interpretive rather than direct answer to what you’re seeking. Curious, I paid the few cents and had the little bird pick a poem for me. Professor translated. When it turned out to be a short passage on the meaning of travel and meeting new friends I gave ole’ Hafez a little more respect. ...
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